Monday 3 April 2017

r - Lattice panel.abline plots line behind data points

I'm using coding provided here to plot a mahattan plot, but it does the abline behind my actual data points when I need to have it superposed to it.

I have tweaked around but unable to figure it out.

    xyplot(logp~genpos, chr=chr, groups=grp,
axis=axis.chr, ann.settings=ann.settings,
prepanel=prepanel.chr, scales=list(axs="i"),
panel=function(x, y, ..., getgenpos) {
if(! {
#add significance line (if requested)
panel.abline(h=-log10(sig.level), lty=2);
panel.superpose(x, y, ..., getgenpos=getgenpos);
if(!is.null(panel.extra)) {
panel.extra(x,y, getgenpos, ...)
panel.groups = function(x,y,..., subscripts, group.number) {
#allow for different annotation settings
gs <- ann.settings[[group.number]]
A$col.symbol <- gs$col[(as.numeric(chr[subscripts])-1) %% length(gs$col) + 1]
A$cex <- gs$cex[(as.numeric(chr[subscripts])-1) %% length(gs$cex) + 1]
A$pch <- gs$pch[(as.numeric(chr[subscripts])-1) %% length(gs$pch) + 1]
A$fill <- gs$fill[(as.numeric(chr[subscripts])-1) %% length(gs$fill) + 1]
A$x <- x
A$y <- y"panel.xyplot", A)
#draw labels (if requested)
if(gs$label$show) {
if(is.character(gt$x) | is.character(gt$y)) {
peak = which.max(y)
center = mean(range(x))
if (is.character(gt$x)) {
if(gt$x=="peak") {gt$x<-x[peak]}
if(gt$x=="center") {gt$x<-center}
if (is.character(gt$y)) {
if(gt$y=="peak") {gt$y<-y[peak]}
if(is.list(gt$x)) {
}"panel.text", gt)
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
panel.extra=panel.extra, getgenpos=getGenPos, ...

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