Sunday 30 April 2017

javascript - Is it bad practice declaring global variables in a.js file?

I have a .js file where I am initialising two parameters which are used
in a seperate function :

var submyvar1;
var submyvar2;

function init(myvar1 , myvar2){
submyvar1= myvar1;
submyvar2= myvar2;

function (){
//subvar1 & subvar 2 used here

Is declaring global variables like this a bad practice ?

If so, what is the alternative, wrap the entire .js file in an object ?


At least it's not a good practice, you could use an immediated invoked function expression:

(function() {
var x;
var y;

window.init = function(xValue, yValue) {
x = xValue;
y = yValue;

window.doWhateverYouWant = function() {
console.log(x + y);

You could use this pattern unless you need access your global variable outside this .js file, when an cross-accessing between .js files or

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