Sunday 30 April 2017

java - What is the alternative for String.contains method that is case insensitive?

While reading the line as a string from a file and string.contains("someexamplestring") will return the output of the case sensitive string.

If there is "someExampleString" in line, it's not returning.

How to identify a string in a case-insensitive manner?


Actually, this is a duplicate of How to check if a String contains another String in a case insensitive manner in Java?

If you've simpler requirements and are dealing with English letters only, you can follow the below answer.

You should do string.toLowerCase().contains("someExampleString".toLowerCase());.

Read more about public String toLowerCase() from Java SE Documentation.

Also, as hinted by Artur Biesiadowski in the comment section of the question, re-iterating it here :

Regarding all the answers suggesting toLowerCase/toUpperCase - be
careful if you go outside of ASCII space
. There are some languages
where going lower to upper and back (or other way around) is not
consistent. Turkish with its dotless 'i' comes to mind : Dotted and
dotless I

Also, to make it safer, you may use another method toLowerCase(Locale.English) and override the locale to English always. But, the limitation being you are not internationalized any longer.


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