Tuesday 4 April 2017

php - how to make widget in Yii

I want to create a widget, here is the steps I made:

  • created folder widgets in folder protected.

  • created folder views in folder widgets.

  • added this in config/main.php : 'application.widgets.*'

  • this is the code of widgets/Alert.php:

class AlertWidget extends CWidget
public $alert = null;

private $_data = null;

public function init()
$s = Yii::app()->session['userId'];
$r = Requests::model()->findAll('idUser='.$s.' and confirm =0 and unconfirm=0 and cancel=0');
foreach($r as $x)
$this->_data = new CActiveDataProvider($alert);

public function run()
$this->render('alert', ['data' => $this->_data]);

  • this is the code of widgets/views/alert.php:

echo $data;

  • this is the code to how I use the widget in a view:


finally I got these errors:

( ! ) SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for
( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class AlertWidget in C:\wamp\www\mediastore\protected\widgets\Alert.php on line 27


if you're going to access the widget using $this->widget('application.widgets.Alert'); then, the widget class name should be Alert (like: public class Alert extends CWidget...) and the filename should remain Alert.php

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