Thursday 6 April 2017

c - Why are complicated memcpy/memset superior?

When debugging, I frequently stepped into the handwritten assembly implementation of memcpy and memset. These are usually implemented using streaming instructions if available, loop unrolled, alignment optimized, etc... I also recently encountered this 'bug' due to memcpy optimization in glibc.

The question is: why can't the hardware manufacturers (Intel, AMD) optimize the specific case of

rep stos


rep movs

to be recognized as such, and do the fastest fill and copy as possible on their own architecture?



The cost of optimizing memcpy in your C library is fairly minimal, maybe a few weeks of developer time here and there. You'll have to make a new version every several years or so when processor features change enough to warrant a rewrite. For example, GNU's glibc and Apple's libSystem both have a memcpy which is specifically optimized for SSE3.

The cost of optimizing in hardware is much higher. Not only is it more expensive in terms of developer costs (designing a CPU is vastly more difficult than writing user-space assembly code), but it would increase the transistor count of the processor. That could have a number of negative effects:

  • Increased power consumption

  • Increased unit cost

  • Increased latency for certain CPU subsystems

  • Lower maximum clock speed

In theory, it could have an overall negative impact on both performance and unit cost.

Maxim: Don't do it in hardware if the software solution is good enough.

Note: The bug you've cited is not really a bug in glibc w.r.t. the C specification. It's more complicated. Basically, the glibc folks say that memcpy behaves exactly as advertised in the standard, and some other folks are complaining that memcpy should be aliased to memmove.

Time for a story: It reminds me of a complaint that a Mac game developer had when he ran his game on a 603 processor instead of a 601 (this is from the 1990s). The 601 had hardware support for unaligned loads and stores with minimal performance penalty. The 603 simply generated an exception; by offloading to the kernel I imagine the load/store unit could be made much simpler, possibly making the processor faster and cheaper in the process. The Mac OS nanokernel handled the exception by performing the required load/store operation and returning control to the process.

But this developer had a custom blitting routine to write pixels to the screen which did unaligned loads and stores. Game performance was fine on the 601 but abominable on the 603. Most other developers didn't notice if they used Apple's blitting function, since Apple could just reimplement it for newer processors.

The moral of the story is that better performance comes both from software and hardware improvements.

In general, the trend seems to be in the opposite direction from the kind of hardware optimizations mentioned. While in x86 it's easy to write memcpy in assembly, some newer architectures offload even more work to software. Of particular note are the VLIW architectures: Intel IA64 (Itanium), the TI TMS320C64x DSPs, and the Transmeta Efficeon are examples. With VLIW, assembly programming gets much more complicated: you have to explicitly select which execution units get which commands and which commands can be done at the same time, something that a modern x86 will do for you (unless it's an Atom). So writing memcpy suddenly gets much, much harder.

These architectural tricks allow you to cut a huge chunk of hardware out of your microprocessors while retaining the performance benefits of a superscalar design. Imagine having a chip with a footprint closer to an Atom but performance closer to a Xeon. I suspect the difficulty of programming these devices are is the major factor impeding wider adoption.

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