Thursday 6 April 2017

bash - line 1: ?#!/usr/bin/sh: not found when trying to execute a shell script

I have a script called autoinstall:

echo "Installasi membutuhkan free space minimal 2MB, pastikan ada punya cukup space di router anda"
read -p "Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan installasi?(y/n) " -n 1 -r
echo ""

if [[ $REPLY = ^[Yy]$ ]]
cd /
cd /tmp/
tar -xvf OpenWrt_Angel_Beats_Edition_v1.3.3.tar -C /
chmod -R 744 /root/crt
chmod 744 /www/wget/
chmod 744 /usr/bin/gsm
chmod 744 /usr/bin/profile
opkg update && opkg install elinks

cp /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.backup
cat > /etc/rc.local << END
# /etc/rc.local: Local system initialization script.
# Put any local startup commands in here. Also, if you have
# anything that needs to be run at shutdown time you can
# make an /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown script and put those
# commands in there.
sh /www/wget/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

exit 0
killall sh /www/wget/
sh /www/wget/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "File backup /etc/rc.local.backup telah dibuat, gunakan file ini untuk mengembalikan konfigurasi rc.local anda yang dulu jika diperlukan"
echo "Installasi selesai. Jangan lupa di akun openvpn yang digunakan (/root/crt/xxx.ovpn) tambahkan baris ini:
script-security 2
echo ""

echo "Installasi dibatalkan"

Every command that I put in the first line always gets the error above (line 1:xxx not found) and I'm sure I've typed in the correct command, even echo gives the error like that, how do I solve this?


The file might have been edited with an editor that insert a Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark).

Have a look to the first line contents with:

od -c autoinstall | head -1


hd -n 16 autoinstall

If you see unexpected characters before #!/usr/bin/sh, you might try one of the methods described here Using awk to remove the Byte-order mark to remove the BOM.

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