Tuesday 28 February 2017

javascript - React state defind as property deep clone returns 'is undefined'



I'm trying to write a simple ToDo app.

Clicking on TodoItem should remove a item from state but when I do this I'm getting a TypeError: this.state is undefined. I don't know what is wrong.

My code looks like this:

---- App.js ----

import React from "react";

import TodoItem from "./components/TodoItem";

class App extends React.Component {
state = {
items: {
item1: { text: "Nazwa item1", isDone: false },
item2: { text: "Nazwa item2", isDone: false },
item3: { text: "Nazwa item3", isDone: false },
item4: { text: "Nazwa item4", isDone: false }


removeItem(key) {
const items = { ...this.state.items }; // TypeError: this.state is undefined

render() {
return (

    {Object.keys(this.state.items).map(key => (


export default App;

---- TodoItem.js ----

import React from "react";

const TodoItem = props => {
return (
  • props.removeItem(props.index)}>
    {props.item.isDone ? "zrobione" : "niezrobione"}

  • );

    export default TodoItem;


    The issue is that this is bound to your function and not to the class.

    To prevent that you can use an arrow function to keep the binding of this to the class, or calling .bind method

    That should make it work:

     removeItem = (key) => {
    const items = { ...this.state.items };

    or that:


    Here is a more in-depth article

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