Tuesday 21 February 2017

c - feof() on Linux return true at one line later than the ending line

I'm a beginner of C. When I use this while loop to print the contains of a file. The last line will print twice on Linux. It should not get into while loop when reach the end of file. It has no problem on windows.


int main()

char string[400];
FILE *file_para;

// Open the file
if ((file_para = fopen("Test.txt", "r")) == NULL)
printf("cannot open file\n");
return 0;

while (!feof(file_para))
fgets(string, 400, file_para);
printf("**** %s", string);

return 0;


This is the wrong way to use feof(). Use feof() to detect what went wrong after one of the main I/O functions failed. It does not predict whether you're about to reach EOF; it tells you when some I/O function has already reported EOF. C is not Pascal; in Pascal, you can (must?) check for EOF before calling the I/O functions.

while (fgets(string, sizeof(string), file_para) != 0)
...do printing, etc...
// If you need to, use `feof()` and `ferror()` to sort out what went wrong.

If you really, really insist on using feof(), then you also need to check your I/O operation:

while (!feof(file_para))
if (fgets(string, sizeof(string), file_para) == 0)
...do printing, etc...

Note that you might be failing because ferror(file_para) evaluates to true even when feof(file_para) does not...so maybe you need while (!feof(file_para) && !ferror(file_para)), but that really is just more evidence that the while loop should be conditioned on the I/O function, not feof().

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