Thursday 23 February 2017

C++ copy constructor for class with dynamically allocated array

Just starting on C++ (a few days now), I come with C background.

I have a class that holds, mainly, an a pointer to an int array with the following code:

class Array

int * _arr;
int _size;
Array(int size);
Array(const Array& obj); // copy constructor
void readInValues();
void mult(int num);

void add(int num);
void printArray();

_arr is a pointer to an int array, when creating a new instance using the copy constructor I would to create a new int array on the heap (I think). In the copy constructor:

Array::Array( const Array & obj )
_arr = new int[_size];

for(int i=0;i<_size;i++)
*_arr[i] = *obj._arr[i];

The 1st thing I do is allocate memory for the new array (_size is a primitive type so being copied automatically as far as I understood). The next thing I would like to do is copy the array itself using a loop. This parts fails the compilation saying illegal indirection. I am not sure why...

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