Thursday 26 May 2016

html - :last-child works, :first-child doesn't

I have an aside with two

elements. I'm trying to use CSS to manipulate the :first-child but it doesn't work. However, when trying to access the :last-child it does.




.sku:first-child { 
display:none !important; /*doesn't hide the first child*/

.sku:last-child {
display:none !important; /*does hide the first child*/

Why won't :first-child select the first div?


You cannot use :first-child psuedo class since .sku is not the first child. A better option is to use either :first-of-type (for first child) or :nth-of-type (which can accept a number or an equation) pseudo classes:

.sku:nth-of-type(1) {
display: none;

Updated Demo

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