Tuesday 24 May 2016

How to generate 4 digit random numbers in java from 0000 to 9999

I tried the following

int number = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1000, 9999 + 1);

But it won't generate 4 digit numbers like 0004,0035 and so on...

I searched for similar questions but none solved, they were different from what I need, if there's already an existing question please let me know.

I need no genarate numbers like 1485 and 0180, not only numbers starting with 0.


This should work:

    Random r = new Random();
String randomNumber = String.format("%04d", r.nextInt(1001));


    Random r = new Random();
String randomNumber = String.format("%04d", Integer.valueOf(r.nextInt(1001)));


    Random r = new Random();
String randomNumber = String.format("%04d", (Object) Integer.valueOf(r.nextInt(1001)));

All three versions should work.

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