Wednesday 25 May 2016

c# - Basic Roll the Dice number generator

Hello im very new to C# and coding, so need some basic help.
If the user chooses to roll multiple dices, (2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc), what do you do to make it roll randomly on all the dices? For example: "Dices rolled: 2,5,3". Instead of it now being "Dices rolled: 2,2,2", or "4,4,4", basiaclly the same number.

 static int RollTheDice(Random rndObject)
Random dice = new Random();
int nr = dice.Next(1, 7); // if user requests to roll multiple dices how
// do you make all the rolls random and not the same

return nr;

static void Main()
Random rnd = new Random();
List dices = new List();

Console.WriteLine("\n\tWelcome to the dicegenerator!");

bool go = true;
while (go)
Console.WriteLine("\n\t[1] Roll the dice\n" +
"\t[2] Look what you rolled\n" +
"\t[3] Exit");
Console.Write("\tChoose: ");
int chose;

int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out chose);

switch (chose)
case 1:
Console.Write("\n\tHow many dices do you want to roll?: ");
bool input = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int antal);

if (input)

for (int i = 0; i < antal; i++)
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("\n\tDices rolled: ");
foreach (int dice in dices)

Console.WriteLine("\t" + dice);
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("\n\tThank you for rolling the dice!");
go = false;
Console.WriteLine("\n\tChoose between 1-3 in the menu.");


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