Wednesday 2 November 2016

c++ - Volatile vs. memory fences

The code below is used to assign work to multiple threads, wake them up, and wait until they are done. The "work" in this case consists of "cleaning a volume". What exactly this operation does is irrelevant for this question -- it just helps with the context. The code is part of a huge transaction processing system.

void bf_tree_cleaner::force_all()
for (int i = 0; i < vol_m::MAX_VOLS; i++) {
_requested_volumes[i] = true;
// fence here (seq_cst)


while (true) {
usleep(10000); // 10 ms

bool remains = false;
for (int vol = 0; vol < vol_m::MAX_VOLS; ++vol) {
// fence here (seq_cst)
if (_requested_volumes[vol]) {
remains = true;

if (!remains) {

A value in a boolean array _requested_volumes[i] tells whether thread i has work to do. When it is done, the worker thread sets it to false and goes back to sleep.

The problem I am having is that the compiler generates an infinite loop, where the variable remains is always true, even though all values in the array have been set to false. This only happens with -O3.

I have tried two solutions to fix that:

  1. Declare _requested_volumes volatile
    (EDIT: this solution does work actually. See edit below)

Many experts say that volatile has nothing to do with thread synchronization, and it should only be used in low-level hardware accesses. But there's a lot of dispute over this on the Internet. The way I understand it, volatile is the only way to refrain the compiler from optimizing away accesses to memory which is changed outside of the current scope, regardless of concurrent access. In that sense, volatile should do the trick, even if we disagree on best practices for concurrent programming.

  1. Introduce memory fences

The method wakeup_cleaners() acquires a pthread_mutex_t internally in order to set a wake-up flag in the worker threads, so it should implicitly produce proper memory fences. But I'm not sure if those fences affect memory accesses in the caller method (force_all()). Therefore, I manually introduced fences in the locations specified by the comments above. This should make sure that writes performed by the worker thread in _requested_volumes are visible in the main thread.

What puzzles me is that none of these solutions works, and I have absolutely no idea why. The semantics and proper use of memory fences and volatile is confusing me right now. The problem is that the compiler is applying an undesired optimization -- hence the volatile attempt. But it could also be a problem of thread synchronization -- hence the memory fence attempt.

I could try a third solution in which a mutex protects every access to _requested_volumes, but even if that works, I would like to understand why, because as far as I understand, it's all about memory fences. Thus, it should make no difference whether it's done explicitly or implicitly via a mutex.

EDIT: My assumptions were wrong and Solution 1 actually does work. However, my question remains in order to clarify the use of volatile vs. memory fences. If volatile is such a bad thing, that should never be used in multithreaded programming, what else should I use here? Do memory fences also affect compiler optimizations? Because I see these as two orthogonal issues, and therefore orthogonal solutions: fences for visibility in multiple threads and volatile for preventing optimizations.

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