Tuesday 29 November 2016

r - Adding hover tooltips to shinyapps.io

I would like to add hover tooltips to my input and output boxes on a shiny app that is deployed in shinyapps.io.

I found the RLumShiny package which can add tooltips and I have modified my app to accommodate this. The app works locally but when I try to deploy it to shinyapps.io I end up with the error seen below. There are no companion files to the app - just the ui.R and server.R files.

To deploy I run

deployApp('~/sandbox/overdiag/', logLevel="verbose")

I get an error message

----- Deployment error -----

Error: C stack usage 7969336 is too close to the limit

(and a bunch of other information from the track). I've made a minimal example that produces the same error where the ui.R is

## ui.R ##                                                                                                                                                
library("RLumShiny") ## This package is problematic


and server.R

library("RLumShiny") ## Again this package

function(input, output, session) {


Now if I remove the library("RLumShiny") line then everything works fine and I can deploy it right away. I don't get information that the package is not available but maybe there is something else wrong (I have a nagging feeling that the javascript in the package might do some things that the shinyapps.io service does not like).

Now: is there an alternative approach (ie., some other package) to get hover tooltips on the shinyapps.io or can I do something else to get RLumShiny to work?


In general in shiny you can get tooltips by using tags$div in your ui.r to wrap your controls / outputs and giving it a title. So for example you could do:

tags$div(title="My tooltip", plotOutput(outputId="MyPlot"))

and you will get a tool tip. The same pattern works for controls.

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