Sunday, 11 September 2016

javascript - Force code to execute after another method finishes executing

Here is what I want to do:

setSource is a function which executes about 3 seconds.


setTimeout(function () {
//do something, some commands

}, 3000);

I want the //do something, some commands part to be executed AFTER the last line of setSource() is executed. Now I'm doing it with setTimeout, but I think it's not very good solution, because sometimes setSource() will take maybe 5 seconds to execute. How to do this?


Have setSource take a callback argument:

editor.setSource = function(callback) {
// do editor things


Then pass the next block of code to be executed as a callback:

editor.setSource(function() {
// do some other things

If you have access to jQuery's deferred objects, you can make use of them here:

  1. Make a new deferred object.

  2. Start the timeout to do your long task.

  3. Return the deferred object.

  4. In the timeout, once the task is complete, call deferred.resolve.

editor = {
setSource: function() {
var deferred = $.Deferred();

console.log("Beginning editor.setSource...");

setTimeout(function() {

// This function took a while to occur
}, 3000);

return deferred;

$.when(editor.setSource()).then(function() {
console.log("Editor is done!");


If you're doing AJAX or animation or another jQuery task that uses deferred objects already, you can just return its result value instead of making your own deferred object:

editor = {
setSource: function() {
return $.get({
url: "",
data: $("#myform").serialize()


$.when(editor.setSource()).then(function() {
console.log("Editor is done!");

Make sure to look up how you can either resolve or reject deferred objects, and how to handle those.

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