Wednesday 28 September 2016

CSS Selectors - difference between and when to use ">", "+" or " "

When using CSS, I can query elements in the following ways:

div > .class  
div .class
div + .class

However I can't quite tell the exact difference between each of these DOM queries. Do they all point to child elements? I know that ">" and " " (space) do.

But under what circumstances would I use each?


In CSS these are called Combinators and means three different things:

  1. div > .class: is called Child selector and will select all elements that are direct children of a div and have the class .class.

  2. div .class: is called Descendant selectors and will select all elements inside a div and having the class .class.

  3. div + .class: is called Adjacent sibling selector and will match any element that immediately follows a div and have the class .class.


In the following example:

A title


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