Wednesday 28 September 2016

Convert an associative array to a simple array of its values in php

I would like to convert the array:

Array ( 
[category] => category
[post_tag] => post_tag
[nav_menu] => nav_menu
[link_category] => link_category
[post_format] => post_format



array(category, post_tag, nav_menu, link_category, post_format)

I tried

$myarray = 'array('. implode(', ',get_taxonomies('','names')) .')';

which echos out:

array(category, post_tag, nav_menu, link_category, post_format)

So I can do

echo $myarray;
echo 'array(category, post_tag, nav_menu, link_category, post_format)';

and it prints the exact same thing.

...but I can't use $myarray in a function in place of the manually entered array because the function doesn't see it as array or something.

What am I missing here?


simply use array_values function:

$array = array_values($array);

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