Monday 26 September 2016

plot explanation - In "Citizen Kane" does Bernstein purposely take a tumble into the newspaper office? - Movies & TV

The "Citizen Kane" scene that shows Kane's first day at the newspaper includes a moment where Kane's assistant Bernstein enters the action by tumbling loudly into the room amid a collapsing pile of supplies. After taking his fall, Bernstein looks up at everyone and says "Oops."

enter image description here

On the surface, it seems like Bernstein just happened to trip on his way into the room. But virtually every detail in "Citizen Kane" seems to have meaning. And Bernstein's tumble happens in the opening minutes of Kane's dramatic arrival at the office, other elements of which unfold as if they were carefully planned by Kane and Bernstein.

Was Bernstein's tumble into the scene a true moment of clumsiness? Or was it part of some act, perhaps one he and Kane had arranged to help Kane seize control of the newspaper?


The script actually reads:

There is a terrific crash at the doorway. They all turn to see
Bernstein sprawled at the entrance. A roll of bedding, a suitcase,
and two framed pictures were too much for him.

The commotion happens just after Kane states that "I don't know my plans myself...As a matter of fact, I haven't got any. Except to get out a newspaper." Perhaps the crash at the doorway is indicative of the haphazard approach Kane intends to take - an approach that includes doing too much at once, and perhaps not always with grace. The crash is a visible and audible symbol of change coming. In the immediate conversation that follows, Kane introduces Bernstein as his general manager and announces that the paper is now a 24-hour enterprise.

I don't think the spill is an indictment of Bernstein's competence, though, as moments later we discover Bernstein has already ordered 6 phones for the office and instructs Carter to get a discount, after which "Kane looks at Leland with a fond nod of his head at Bernstein."

I've looked at three different versions of the script, and only one included Bernstein's "Oops!" - this may have been an adlib that is recorded in later versions but not originally intended.

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