Sunday 25 September 2016

php - MySQL Chinese pinyin encoding issue



I have a MySQL database set to utf8. My charset/collation variables are:

Variable_name | Value

character_set_client | utf8

character_set_connection | utf8

character_set_database | utf8

character_set_filesystem | binary

character_set_results | utf8

character_set_server | latin1

character_set_system | utf8

collation_connection | utf8_general_ci

collation_database | utf8_general_ci

collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci

I have a web page that displays Chinese characters and Pinyin from our MySQL DB. The Chinese characters display fine, but the Pinyin is garbled. For instance,

displays: Nánjīng
correct: Nánjīng

Now, I check page encoding and it is set to UTF8. I echoed out Nánjīng in PHP and it displayed fine. I checked out the data in command line and it is correct in the database. However, whenever it is coming through a query, it garbles the pinyin, but not the Chinese characters. Anyone know why this could be happening?


I figured it out. It was a collating issue. I modified the cnf to set the collation_server variable to utf8_general_ci, then reimported my data and it works fine... I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier.

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