Wednesday 27 July 2016

php - Turkish characters are not displayed correctly

MySql database uses utf-8 encoding and data are stored correctly.I use set_name utf8 query to make sure the data called are utf-8 encoded.all variables from database works fine as long as the header charset is utf-8,but the static html characters do not work properly.When i set header charset to ISO-8859-9 variables are displayed differenly while html characters work ok.can anyone help me?
Utf8 encoding: html tags have problem displaying values.but php data(green ones e.g. ağişler) that come from database is ok.ISO encoding this time the html is ok but php data are displayed wrong.

    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9');



You can try explicitly adding content type at the top of your file as below

and remove the below from your code..

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9');


Untitled Document

The above code gives me the below output:

enter image description here

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