Sunday 24 July 2016

javascript - Graph Goat Teleportation Data with Google Vis. API via Chrome Extension

I just checked my Chromium task manager and noticed that my Goats Teleported count is abnormally high. I thought it might be a good idea to create a browser extension that runs the goat teleportation data through Google Visualizations API and generates some nice reports so I can track it easily and make sure it doesn't get out of hand.

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Is it possible to access the Goats Teleported count programatically via the chrome extension API? How do you think I should format the reports? I was thinking maybe a pie chart?

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There is an experimental processes API where one would expect to find such important info exposed. But alas, Goats Teleported isn’t yet available through that API. I think you’ve uncovered a major hole in the extension system and urge you to file a feature request.

+1 for goats.

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