Tuesday, 6 June 2017

mysql - PHP PDO table not updating data

I'm new to coding with PHP, and in trying to create a to-do list I have come undone after creating a file called 'add.php' which is supposed to add new data to the table. The main file, index.php, calls the table elements ok and displays them on the browser, but I cannot add new items.

The code in add.php is here:

require_once 'app/init.php';

if(isset($_POST['name'])) {
$name = trim($POST['name']);

if(!empty($name)) {
$addedQuery = $db->prepare("

INSERT INTO items (name, user, done, created)
VALUES (:name, :user, 0, NOW() )

'name' => $name,
'user' => $_SESSION['user_id']

header('location: index.php');


If it helps, I am using PHP 5.5.12 and MySQL 5.6.17, on WampServer 2.5


OK... and before anyone gets the misconception about being obligated to use the colon as a placeholder in the array, is a myth.

  • It is perfectly legal/valid syntax in PDO. (consult footnote).

  • The colon however, does need to be in the VALUES().

The real problem here is with this $POST, and is missing its underscore for it $_POST.

Error reporting would have thrown you an undefined variable notice.

Add error reporting to the top of your file(s) which will help find errors.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// rest of your code

Sidenote: Displaying errors should only be done in staging, and never production.

Plus, make sure the session array is set/not empty, and that the session was started. That isn't shown/indicated in your post.

Also make sure that your form does use a POST method and that your input holds the name attribute for the input.


Check for errors in PDO also:

Your connection method is also unclear, so make sure you are indeed using PDO to connect with.

  • Different MySQL APIs do not intermix.

Other references:


As stated in comments and being a nice find on the part of VolkerK:

"it is stored internally with the leading colon, see"

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