Thursday 15 June 2017

javascript - Deferred/promise confusion and implementation

If I would like to implement deferred by myself, would it be a right way to do(trying to understand the internal logic):

Does deferred counts as a behavioural pattern?

What is the difference between deferred and promise?

function Deferred() {
var d = {},
f = {},
a = {},
state = 'pending';

return {
resolve: function(){
state = 'resolved';
a.fn.apply(a.context, arguments);
d.fn.apply(d.context, arguments);

reject: function(){
state = 'rejected';
a.fn.apply(a.context, arguments);
f.fn.apply(f.context, arguments);

done: function(fn, context) {
d = {fn: fn, context: context};
return this;

fail: function(fn, context) {
f = {fn:fn, context: context};
return this;

always: function(fn, context) {
a = {fn:fn, context: context};
return this;

state: state

Application example:

var obj = Deferred();
console.log('we are done here. why? -', arg);
}, window)
console.log('print that in any case. and some details:', arg);
}, window)
console.log('we failed here. why? -', arg);
}), window;

obj.reject('some arguments');
obj.resolve({argument: 'hooray!'});


If I would like to implement deferred by myself, would this be a right way to do?

No, your code misses a few important points:

  • A promise/deferred represents one single outcome only. It's state must not be changed after it is settled (fulfilled or rejected).

  • No matter when a callback is installed, it will be executed as soon as possible with the result. Your code fails to do that when the result has already arrived.

  • No matter how many callbacks are installed, they all will be executed. Your code allows to store only a single callback.

You might want to have a look at this example implementation or How is a promise/defer library implemented?.

Also, for a promise you will want to implement an interoperable then method for chaining, whose behaviour is described in the Promises/A+ specification.

Does deferred counts as a behavioural pattern?

Yeah, you could count them as a mix of observer or visitor pattern.

What is the difference between deferred and promise?

In general, a deferred does provide the methods to fulfill or reject, while a promise is the interface to install the callbacks on (without the ability to resolve the promise). See What are the differences between Deferred, Promise and Future in JavaScript? for details.

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