Tuesday 13 June 2017

Where are the most common OOP concepts implemented in java swing jframes?

i currently studying oop in java and i read in a book that java swing jframes are good to understand how oop works in creating gui's in a java program,so where are the following mostly implemeted.
I have done some research and i found some oop concepts implemeting in java

Inheritance - obviously a class need to inherit javax.swing.jframe to use all the methods.

Encapsulation - after creating buttons,panels e.t.c all of them have private access modifiers

So where are

  • Association &Aggregation

  • Polymorphism

  • Abstraction & Interface



  1. Aggregation - JFrame has a JPanel

  2. Composition - JFrame has a JButton
    (composition because JButton cannot exist without a frame)

  3. Polymorphism - Sometimes parameters are passed to methods which are asking in more generic way for example someMethod(Component comp) for comp we can pass a JButton (Because JButton IS-A Component)

  4. Abstraction/Interface sometimes it is needed to implement interfaces and abstract classes, there you have to override all the abstract methods.

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