Wednesday 31 May 2017

MS Excel VBA how to insert a row in the current worksheet and three others

I am using MS Excel 2007 and Microsoft Visula Basic 6.5.

I want to select a row in a sheet and then use a macro to insert a row in this sheet and three others. I am trying the code below however when I run it I get the error "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error" on "Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Range(Lst).Activate".

Sub Copy1()
Dim Lst As Long
'save the rowNo
Lst = ActiveCell.Row

Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Activate
Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Range(Lst).Activate

Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Activate

Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Range(Lst).Activate

Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Activate
Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Range(Lst).Activate



Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Range("A3:G5000").Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Range("A3")

Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Range("A3:O5000").Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Range("A3")

Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Range("A3:T5000").Copy _

End Sub

I have tried "Dim Lst As Range" however then I get the error "Run time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set" on "Lst = ActiveCell.Row".

Your help is greatly appreciated.



New Code:

Sub InsertRow()

Dim Lst As Long
'save the rowNo
Lst = ActiveCell.Row

'Insert a row in each worksheet at the currently selected cell.
Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Rows(Lst).Insert
Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Unprotect
Worksheets("Master Release Plan - HTSTG").Rows(Lst).Insert
Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Unprotect
Worksheets("Inst. Gateway").Rows(Lst).Insert
End Sub


in the 2nd line of your code, you are assigning lst, a value(activecell.row), which is a long variable. if you write

Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Range(Lst).Activate

that means ex - Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Range(4).Activate, if ur activecell.row is 4. This will not work on a range.

If you want to select a row then change your existing line and all other similar lines, where you have range(lst) to -

Worksheets("Rel. Planning Meeting").Rows(Lst).Activate

I would suggest not selecting anything on the sheet as far as possible because this may slow up the execution time. Your's is a very simple macro here but it is good practice to avoid selecting or activating stuff on your sheet as much as possible.

Hope this helps.

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