Sunday 28 May 2017

C++ Destructor not working correctly, compile error, just trying to delete a member variable with destr

Following class will be initiated with a member variable newTodayTaskString (string).

When destructing the object I like to delete the string but when compiling the project I get an error message pointing to the destructor delete line saying:

delete: std::string cannot be converted to void


class TodayTask {
string newTodayTaskString;

TodayTask (string t) : newTodayTaskString (t){}

// Destr.
~TodayTask () {
delete newTodayTaskString;

string getTodayTaskString () const {
return newTodayTaskString;


delete must be given a pointer, and can only be used to destroy objects created with new.

In this case, the object is a class member, and so will be destroyed automatically. You don't need to do anything with it in the destructor.

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