Monday 24 October 2016

python - Should I use list() or [] when defining a list

Whenever I come to define an empty list. Which is best practice? Is one better than the other? Are they identical?

mylist = list()


mylist = []

My question is also relevant to:

# int() && 0
# str() && ""
# float() && 0.0
# etc.

But just in case there's a difference. I am only interested in the answer for lists.


I actually ran that again, and [] turned out to be faster. Added the new scores.

I prefer mylist=[] for readability, but mylist = list() also works. In terms of performance:

>>> python -m timeit 'mylist=[]'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0229 usec per loop

>>> python -m timeit 'mylist=list()'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.105 usec per loop

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