Sunday 30 October 2016

javascript - Await function when used as a function parameter does not get resolved before the function is run

The following code work as expected using async/await:

try {
let feedbacks = await feedbackService.get(this.feedBackOdataModel);
this.feedBackJsonModel.setProperty('/Avaliacoes', feedbacks.results);

} catch (error) {
dialogService.showErrorDialog("Erro na obtenção das pesquisas de satisfação", error.statusText + '-' + error.statusCode);
throw new Error(error);

The execution is halted until feedbackService gets resolved.

But this:

this.feedBackJsonModel.setProperty('/Avaliacoes', await

I imagine the result should be the same but it seens the the promise gets resolved after the setProperty is run.


Your two code examples are not equivalent. In the first, you are awaiting


which is presumably a promise, and in the second, you are awaiting


which is presumably undefined. So indeed, the await has essentially no effect, and undefined is passed into setProperty almost immediately.

To fix - use parentheses to correctly indicate what you are awaiting:

(await feedbackService.get(this.feedBackOdataModel)).results

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