Sunday 30 October 2016

c# - javascript validation for email format accepting incorrect email format,

Possible Duplicate:
Validate email address in Javascript?

I have to do validation for Email format, I am using the CODE below line to restrict Special Characters.

onkeypress="return AlphaNumericBox(event,this,'@._);"

But now the Problem is I don have any proper validation for the exact format for example its also accepting text like ",.. " Is there any javascript validation for this?
any idea?

Thanks in advance.


function CheckEmail(address){
address=address.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
var reg=/([\w._-])+@([\w_-])+(\.([\w_-])+){1,2}/;
var matcharr=reg.exec(address);
return true;
return false;

return false;

var sVal=" ";
var sVal2=" ";
console.log(CheckEmail("")); //outpus true
console.log(CheckEmail("")); //outpus false

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