Saturday, 22 October 2016

plot explanation - Is X-Men First Class based earlier in time than X-Men Origins:Wolverine?

If X-Men First Class (XFC) is based before X-Men Origins (XMO) then how did Emma Frost end up being captured by Colonel Stryker?

The last we see of Emma Frost in XFC she is with Magneto and Raven, but it doesn't make sense that Magneto would let her be captured and not do anything about it especially when she is captured by someone who treats mutants so badly.

Also we see that Professor Xavier is walking at the end of XMO which would mean that XMO is before XFC. At the end of XMO he invites the captured mutants to join his school but in XFC he didn't create the school until he was in a wheelchair.

Are the films meant to be in chronological order or should they just be seen as two completely separate movies?


To answer your main question, X-Men First Class is based before X-Men Origins.

X-Men First Class is based in the 60s.

In 1962, the United States government enlists the help of Mutants with
superhuman abilities to stop a malicious dictator who is determined to
start world war III.

In Origins, Striker doesn't approach Wolverine until the 70s.

In 1973, Victor (Liev Schrieber) attempts to rape a local village
woman, but is stopped after killing a senior officer. James (Hugh
Jackman) defends his brother, and the two are sentenced to execution
by firing squad, which they survive. Major William Stryker (Danny
Huston) approaches them, now in military custody, and offers them
membership in Team X

In regards to Xavier walking, there is a lot of debate as to which movie is canon and there is currently no correct answer (AFAIK). First class also seems to have a lot of other continuity problems.

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