Friday 24 June 2016

ruby on rails - How do I handle nils in views?

I have the following models set up:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :band
belongs_to :mode

validates_presence_of :call, :mode
validates_associated :mode, :band
validates_presence_of :band, :if => :no_freq?
validates_presence_of :freq, :if => :no_band?


def no_freq?


def no_band?

class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :logs

class Mode < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :logs

When I enter a frequency on my new view it allows for no band to be specified if a freq is entered. This creates a problem in my other views though because band is now nil. How do I allow for band not to be specified and just show up as empty on my index and show views, and then in the edit view allow one to be specified at a later point in time.

I have been able to get my index to display a blank by doing: &&

But I'm not sure if this is a best approach, and I'm unsure of how to apply a similar solution to my other views.

Many thanks from a rails newb!


In my views, I use the following for potentially nil objects in my views:

<%= unless %>

if your object is an array or hash, you can use the empty? function instead.

<%= unless @contacts.empty? %>
..some code
<% end %>

Hope this helps!


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