Wednesday 29 June 2016

function - Without pointers, can I pass references as arguments in Python?

Since Python doesn't have pointers, I am wondering how I can pass a reference to an object through to a function instead of copying the entire object. This is a very contrived example, but say I am writing a function like this:

def some_function(x):
c = x/2 + 47
return c

y = 4
z = 12

print some_function(y)
print some_function(z)

From my understanding, when I call some_function(y), Python allocates new space to store the argument value, then erases this data once the function has returned c and it's no longer needed. Since I am not actually altering the argument within some_function, how can I simply reference y from within the function instead of copying y when I pass it through? In this case it doesn't matter much, but if y was very large (say a giant matrix), copying it could eat up some significant time and space.


Your understanding is, unfortunately, completely wrong. Python does not copy the value, nor does it allocate space for a new one. It passes a value which is itself a reference to the object. If you modify that object (rather than rebinding its name), then the original will be modified.


I wish you would stop worrying about memory allocation: Python is not C++, almost all of the time you don't need to think about memory.

It's easier to demonstrate rebinding via the use of something like a list:

def my_func(foo):
foo.append(3) # now the source list also has the number 3
foo = [3] # we've re-bound 'foo' to something else, severing the relationship
foo.append(4) # the source list is unaffected
return foo

original = [1, 2]
new = my_func(original)

print original # [1, 2, 3]
print new # [3, 4]

It might help if you think in terms of names rather than variables: inside the function, the name "foo" starts off being a reference to the original list, but then we change that name to point to a new, different list.

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