Friday 12 February 2016

php - Remove escape character from Jquery Post

To my issue there are several similar questions but I haven't found a good one that would help me solve my problem. My problem is:

I want to convert a JQuery object into a Json String, and then post this string to a PHP webPage, This is running very good. But when I received it on the server(php page) it is full of escape characters.

Here is my code on the client:

var jsonRemision =  JSON.stringify(remision,false); 

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
processData: false,

alert("Good Message");
alert("Bad Message");

and here is the code on the server:

$remision = json_decode($_POST['rem']);

Now, when I see whats inside of $_POST['rem'] is full of escape characters \" . These escape character are not allowing me to jsondecode... The json full of escape characters looks like this:


How can I remove the escape characters ?? thanks in advance for any comment or help :)


I actually just recently had the same issue.

I fixed it by using stripslashes();

This should work ok unless you actually do have slashes in the data.

var_export(json_decode(stripslashes('{\"id\":\"12\",\"fecha\":\"2014-06-25\",\"ciudad\":\"Manizales\",\"camion\":\"NAQ376\",\"driver\":\"16075519\",\"cant\":\"0\",\"anticipos\":[{\"type\":\"1\",\"com\":\"Comment\",\"costo\":\"1234\"}]}'), true));


array (
'id' => '12',
'fecha' => '2014-06-25',
'ciudad' => 'Manizales',
'camion' => 'NAQ376',
'driver' => '16075519',
'cant' => '0',
'anticipos' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'type' => '1',
'com' => 'Comment',
'costo' => '1234',

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