Saturday 13 February 2016

php - Continue loop after 8 results - separating into whole new table

I need to alter my code to display 1 table containing 8 results, stop, then produce another whole new table with result number 9 and above.

I've got the idea that the break; and continue; may be of use, but how I should wrap the whole table in a foreach loop, and prevent it displaying 8+ tables I don't know.

I am determining that there is more than 8 columns by the HEADER count. In this example there is 9 headers. Including the first blank one.

enter image description here

$table3 = get_field( 'bottom_chart' );

if ( $table3 ) {

if($table3['header']) {

$theader3 = 1;
foreach ( $table3['header'] as $th1 ) {
//echo $theader3;

echo '';

if ( $table3['header'] ) {

echo '';

echo '';

foreach ( $table3['header'] as $t3 ) {

echo '';


echo '';

echo '';

echo '';

$first_td_bottomchart = 0;

foreach ( $table3['body'] as $tr3 ) {

echo '';

foreach ( $tr3 as $td3 ) {

if(($first_td_bottomchart %8) == 0) {
echo '';
} elseif(!empty($td3['c'])) {

echo '';
} ?>



echo '';

echo '
echo $t3['c'];
echo '
' . $td3['c'] . '';
echo '
echo $td3['c'];
echo '




Ok so if we assume that $table3['body'] has the same count of elements as $table3['header'] your code basically starts building the table header fine, but when we get to the body during the first 8 loops you have the table create

Should this not be colspans?

Also after the %8 the same row carries on with rowspan depending on the amount of elements in $tr3 as $td3. (if this is consistent with the amount of elements in $table3['header'];)

Another problem is that if for some reason $td3['c'] is empty the whole Table structure is thrown out the window.

You are relying on too many unknown variables to build the table structure for youself.

I would only loop through $table3['header'] once and build your table logic inside this loop to prevent confusion and mismatched counts of elements.

It is unclear which cells you want to span over which cells: could you please merge the cells you want inside an Excel sheet as an example and attach that with your question. Then I can provide a simpler solution for you.

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