Monday 30 January 2017

php - I have a trouble with converting utf-8 . I am reading from file to keep in array

I'm trying to read file line by line and keeping them in array. But I have Turkish chars in that file and I tried everything to fix that problem but no result.

The file has content like:

  • Aksesuar ve Sarf / Pil / Taşınabilir Şarj Cihazı (PowerBank)

  • Aksesuar ve Sarf / Pil / Çinko

  • Aksesuar ve Sarf / Profesyonel Kaset /

You can see the Ş, ı chars. I see them as ? in array. What should I do?

Here is my code:

 public function getCategoriesByFile($fileUrl){
$file = fopen($fileUrl,"r");
$lines = array();
$last = array();
while(! feof($file))
$line= fgets($file);
$line = $line;
array_push($lines , $line);


foreach($lines as $line){
$parsedLines[] = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",preg_split('/;/', trim($line)));
foreach($parsedLines as $parsed){
$parse1 = rtrim($parsed[0] , " / ");
$parse2 = rtrim($parsed[1] , " / ");
return $last;

the output like :

[2] => array(2) {
[0] => string(64) "Aksesuar ve Sarf / Pil / Taşınabilir Åarj Cihazı (PowerBank)"
[1] => string(0) ""
[3] => array(2) {
[0] => string(31) "Aksesuar ve Sarf / Pil / Çinko"
[1] => string(0) ""

Need your help guys. Thank you.

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