Tuesday 15 March 2016

How to encapsulate C/C++ library code to be runnable in a separate thread with multiple instances?

Imagine a project with the development stretched over 10+ years timespan. Some parts are in C, some are in C++ and all of the code uses global functions and global variables. The architecture was designed inherently single threaded and kept growing that way. But now we consider utilizing many-core architectures.

Now one idea being evaluated is to refactor a part of the code into a library, to make it possible to create more than one instance, so that they can run in separate threads and don’t interfere with each other.

The proposal that gains the most traction at this point is to wrap all the library files into namespaces with macro defines, like:

namespace VARIANT {
// all the code

Then define the VARIANT in a header or on project level. This will make it possible to have different contexts within different namespaces. And the selling point is that this approach will require minimal code change and has low risk of introducing any regression.

But if at some point we need to make the behavior of Variant1 different from Variant2, things will get tricky, since there’s no way to compare the value of a macro define with a string in a preprocessor macro.

Is there a more elegant way to achieve this?


Another variant might be spotting all global variables and making them thread_local. Requires either C++11 or at least compiler extensions providing the same (__thread using older GCC).

If I read this question right, you even don't need to convert your C files into C++ files (which your approach requires as C does not support namespaces...), but you need C11 for.

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