Saturday 26 March 2016

javascript - setTimeout fails to bind to "this" prototype function

I wrote a code and I want to see "Hello, world!" each second, but I've got undefined and I can't find where is my mistake.

function Greeting(message, delay) {
this.message = message;
setTimeout(this.blowUp, delay * 1000);

Greeting.prototype.blowUp = function () {

new Greeting("Hello, world!", 1);


Because when setTimeout callback is executed, it is executed with window as its context(object referred by this (this) in the function) by default.

You can pass a custom context to the callback by using Function.bind()

function Greeting(message, delay) {
this.message = message;
setInterval(this.blowUp.bind(this), delay * 1000); //use setInterval since you want to repeat the callback execution

Greeting.prototype.blowUp = function() {

new Greeting("Hello, world!", 1);

Note: You will have to use setInterval instead of setTimeout() if you want to repeat the callback execution

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