Thursday 21 January 2016

Excel VBA updating links

I am trying to set up a VBA macro to update link paths in excel. I looked up some code online and tried to put it together, and am getting errors. I am wondering if i could get some direction here. Please note that i am not a programmer by profession, just trying to reduce some manual updating work.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim FolderPath As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim bookname As String
Dim wbook As Workbook
Dim oldname As String
Dim newname As String

oldname = "C:\Users\XX\Documents\[Broadstreet.xlsx]"

newname = "C:\Users\XX\Documents\[Broadstreet2.xlsx]"

FolderPath = "C:\Users\XX\Documents1"

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.AskToUpdateLinks = False

End With

For Each Workbook In FSO.GetFolder(FolderPath).Files
bookname = Workbook.Name

MsgBox (bookname)

Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & "\" & bookname)

ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink oldname1, newname1, xlLinkTypeExcelLinks

wb.Close SaveChanges:=True


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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