Thursday 1 December 2016

version numbering - How to get device (AOSP) Build Number in Android devices programmatically?

From within an Android Application, how can the hosting device's Build Number, as displayed in System Settings -> About Tablet -> Build Number be obtained programmatically for use within a Java Android application?

System Settings version number on tablet

Currently, I'm using "android.os.Build".


Check this code..

in Build.FINGERPRINT you'll get the Build Number of the Device.

String mString = "";

mString.concat("VERSION.RELEASE {" + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + "}");
mString.concat("\nVERSION.INCREMENTAL {" + Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL + "}");
mString.concat("\nVERSION.SDK {" + Build.VERSION.SDK + "}");
mString.concat("\nBOARD {" + Build.BOARD + "}");
mString.concat("\nBRAND {" + Build.BRAND + "}");
mString.concat("\nDEVICE {" + Build.DEVICE + "}");
mString.concat("\nFINGERPRINT {" + Build.FINGERPRINT + "}");
mString.concat("\nHOST {" + Build.HOST + "}");
mString.concat("\nID {" + Build.ID + "}");

((TextView) findViewById(;

My Device Build Number :

My Device Build Number

FINGERPRINT return by the above code

enter image description here

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