Friday 30 December 2016

php - CodeIgniter Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object

Im super new to codeigniter and am trying to figure out how to use the Models, ive used a MVP framework before but it was a bit different. I have the users controller, which initializes the model(I think I did it right), then the model has a function, that gets a row by email.

The controller looks like:

class Users extends CI_Controller{
public function login(){


$this->users_model->login('', 'abcdefg');


and the model looks like:

class users_model extends CI_Model{
public function users_model(){

public function login($email, $password){
$query = $this->db->get_where('users', array('email' => $email));

return $query->result();

The problem im getting is:

Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object

which I understand means that db isn't an object, but all the code I saw for models, say that this should work. Any help or advice would be great! Also any advice on newbie mistakes to codeigniter would be nice!

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