Tuesday 6 December 2016

R linking static files to multiple apps with shiny-server

How can I link some JavaScript or CSS to multiple shiny-apps using shiny-server?

Let's say I have some JS and CSS code in my /home/assets/ directory.


And I have several apps in /srv/shiny-server/:


How can I include the javascript and css, without putting them in a www directory of every app.

I would like to use for example tags$head(tags$script(src = "/home/assets/jscode1.js")) in all of my apps.

I saw some recommendations (link1, link2) for addResourcePath() but they were mostly related to packages and I don't know what prefix to use.
Other options I thought about were includeScript/includeCSS/htmlDependency but they all say to use relative paths.

Additionally how can I include files from the shared directory?

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