Wednesday, 21 December 2016

linux - i want to know about package managers in ubuntu

I have searched on internet but am unable to find complete solution of this question.

what is difference between pip , npm and bower in ubuntu and is there any other package manager for any other utility software?

I know there can be many utility software and their respective package manager but tell me about general utility softwares...


Now i know that my question does not make any sence because there are many package manages for different purpose in linux... - I have searched and found some of them.... - Several package managers and their description are as below....

Application-level package managers:

  • Anaconda: a package manager for Python

  • Assembly: a partially compiled code library for use in Common
    Language Infrastructure (CLI) deployment, versioning and security

  • Bower: a package manager for the web developers

  • Cabal: a programming library and package manager for Haskell

  • CocoaPods: Dependency Manager for Objective-C and RubyMotion projects

  • Composer: Dependency Manager for PHP

  • CPAN: a programming library and package manager for Perl

  • CRAN: a programming library and package manager for R

  • CTAN: a package manager for TeX

  • EasyInstall: a package manager for Python and the PyPI programming
    library which is part of the Setuptools packaging system

  • Gradle: a build system and package manager for Groovy and other JVM

  • Ivy: a package manager for Java, integrated into the Ant build tool,
    also used by sbt

  • LuaRocks: a programming library and package manager for Lua

  • Maven: a package manager and build tool for Java

  • npm: a programming library and package manager for Node.js

  • NuGet: a package manager for the .NET Framework and C++

  • PAR::Repository and Perl package manager: binary package managers for

  • PEAR: a programming library for PHP

  • pip: a package manager for Python and the PyPI programming library

  • Quicklisp: a package manager and repository for Common Lisp

  • RubyGems: a package manager and repository for Ruby

  • sbt: a build tool for Scala, uses Ivy for dependency management

  • leiningen: a project automation tool for Clojure

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