Sunday 18 December 2016

javascript - Why is my async function returning too soon?

I am trying to use an async function to call a function inside another function. It looks like this:

const getConnectionsWithEmailsHash = async () => {

const connectionsWithEmails = await parseConnections('./tmp/connections.csv')
return connectionsWithEmails

const connectionsWithEmailsHash = getConnectionsWithEmailsHash()

When I console.log() inside the async function, I get the hash I am expecting, but when I console.log() the result of calling the async function, I get promise pending. I though the point of an async function was that it waits for the promise to be resolved when it is called, so what I am I doing wrong?


async functions return promises. This line:

const connectionsWithEmailsHash = getConnectionsWithEmailsHash()

...just sets connectionsWithEmailsHash to the promise that the function returns. To actually get the resolution value of the promise, you'd need to:

  1. Use await within another async function (if that means using async at the top level, see: How can I use async/await at the top level?):

    const connectionsWithEmailsHash = await getConnectionsWithEmailsHash()


  2. Use then on the promise

    .then(connectionsWithEmailsHash => {
    // ...use `connectionsWithEmailsHash`....

    .catch(error => {
    // ...handle error...

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