Tuesday 20 December 2016

javascript - Check that the array is unique

var thelist = new Array();
function addlist(){


How can I check that the data I push does not already exsist in array thelist?


var thelist = []; // Use the array literal, not the constructor.
function addlist(){

// get the data we want to make sure is unique
var data = documentgetElementById('data').innerHTML;

// make a flag to keep track of whether or not it exists.
var exists = false;

// Loop through the array
for (var i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) {

// if we found the data in there already, flip the flag
if (thelist[i] === data) {
exists = true;

// stop looping, once we have found something, no reason to loop more.

// If the data doesn't exist yet, push it on there.
if (!exists) {


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