Sunday 21 August 2016

php - Notice: Undefined index: ZZZZZZWTF?

All of a sudden my php code has come up with :

Notice: Undefined index: submit in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 36

Notice: Undefined index: fullname in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 40

Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 41

Notice: Undefined index: password in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 42

Notice: Undefined index: repeatpassword in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 43

Notice: Undefined index: email in C:\xampp\htdocs\globalautoparts\register.php on line 45

on the registration page.

How do i fix it?

This is my code:

Global Autoparts | Home

Think outside of the box!

Registering with Global Auto Parts means you have access to super-fast online orders and total user customization, so you wont have to wait in a line again!

Register to become apart of the global community!

echo "

Registration Page.

$submit = $_POST['submit'];

//form data
$fullname = strip_tags($_POST['fullname']);
$username = strtolower(strip_tags($_POST['username']));
$password = strip_tags($_POST['password']);

$repeatpassword = strip_tags($_POST['repeatpassword']);
$date = date("Y-m-d");
$email = $_POST['email'];

if ($submit)

//open database
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
mysql_select_db("phplogin"); //select database

$namecheck = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($namecheck);

if ($count!=0)

die("Username already taken! Go back to try again?");


// check for existence

if ($password==$repeatpassword)

//check char length of username and fullname

if (strlen($username)>25||strlen($fullname)>25)
echo "Length of username or fullname is too long!";


//check password length
if (strlen($password)>25||strlen($password)<6)

echo "Password must be between 6 and 25 characters";
//register the user!

// encrypt password
$password = md5($password);
$repeatpassword = md5($repeatpassword);

//generate random number for activation process
$random = rand(23456789,98765432);
$queryreg = mysql_query("

INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$fullname','$username','$password','$email','$date','$random','0')


$lastid = mysql_insert_id();

//send activation email
$to = $email;
$subject = "Activate your account!";
$headers = "From: Global Auto Parts";
$server = "localhost";

$body = "

Hello $fullname,\n\n

You need to activate your account with the link below:

http://localhost/globalautoparts/activate.php?=$lastid&code=$random \n\n



//function to send mail
mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

die("You have been registered! Check your email to activate your account!");


echo "Your passwords do not match!";


echo "Please fill in all fields!";



Your full name:

Choose a username:

Choose a password:

Repeat your password:



As the other guys suggested, you could

Change the Error Reporting Level

By running this code at the top of your script: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE)

Or, it might be a better idea to actually check whether those variables were posted before you use them.

Quick and Dirty fix is to do this:


The @ sign will suppress any errors and return false in place of the string. Now that practice is generally frowned upon.

If you want a cleaner method, I would do this:

$post = array('fullname'=>'','username'=>'','password'=>'','repeatpassword'=>'');

if($_POST) $post = array_merge($post, $_POST);

$fullname = strip_tags($post['fullname']);
$username = strtolower(strip_tags($post['username']));
$password = strip_tags($post['password']);
$repeatpassword = strip_tags($post['repeatpassword']);

Then you'll never have a error about missing indexes, and you can set the default values to whatever you like.

Good luck

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