Tuesday 2 August 2016

oop - PHP: variable class in a class property - why calling static method return parse error?

Since PHP version 5.3 we can call static method in a variable class like this:

class A 

public static function foo()
echo 'bar';

$myVariableA = A::class;

$myVariableA::foo(); //bar

So, given the examples below, I'd like to understand why Class B works and Class C does not:

class A 
public static function foo()
echo 'bar';

class B
protected $myVariableA;

public function __construct()
$this->myVariableA = A::class;

public function doSomething()
$myVariableA = $this->myVariableA;
return $myVariableA::foo(); //bar (no error)

class C
protected $myVariableA;

public function __construct()
$this->myVariableA = A::class;

public function doSomething()
return $this->myVariableA::foo(); //parse error


$b = new B;

$c = new C;

Note that I'm not trying to solve the issue here, but I want to understand exactly why it happens (with implementation details, if possible).

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