Sunday 21 August 2016

excel - For Each Loop Deleting Row if Cell = 0

I'm trying to write a macro that will delete a row if a cell = 0 in the range given. The problem I am coming across is when the For Each Loop runs it will find the cell and delete the row but if the row below it also had a 0 it ends up getting skipped by the code since the code has moved onto the next range. I'm looking to have a macro that will find 0 in a range of cells and will loop on that range that had a 0 until the that cell is greater than 0.
I've got this as a work in progress...

Sub Pub_Clean()

Dim IRange As Range
Dim VRange As Range
Set VRange = Range(ActiveSheet.Range("b3"), ActiveSheet.Range("b3").End(xlDown))
For Each IRange In VRange
If IRange = 0 Then
End If
Next IRange
End Sub

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