Sunday 21 August 2016

angularjs - Preload ng-view for smoother navigation

I'm using $location.path() to load new view inside my angular web site.
My page looks like :

And I change the ng-view depending on the demands (index, home, login, etc).
Some times the navigation seems slow (some glitch stay within the page while 0.1 secs) is there a way to make the navigation instant ?

Also, I tried the ng-animate which improved that feeling but not completely.
I guess that preloading my 'views' will be one solution ..

Edit :

Feeling improved by adding : ($templateCache, $http) {
$http.get('Template1.html', { cache: $templateCache });


Thanks to Baba. But I found a solution which does not involve to change my route (and use another library such as Angular UI Router (which is by the way super!))

My solution : preload my templates with the $templateCache and add animation (nice tuto : +

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