Friday 11 March 2016

jquery - How do you set a css class attribute with Javascript?

The element i'm working with is a image i would like displayed during load time.

I am trying to set a css class attribute, i can set attributes on my image but its class attributes override's it.

So i need to set the class attribute. The class is .bgImage

This is how i set the attribute:

LoadingImg.setAttribute("display", "block");

This is what i have tried:

LoadingImg.className("display", "block");


LoadingImg.setAttribute(".bgImage display", "block");


.bgImage {
position: fixed;
top: 0; left: 33%;
right: 0; bottom: 0;
z-index: 1;

display: none;

Exstra info:

LoadingImg is the image object, i had to grab it through iFrame levels.

var HomeDoc = $('#ContentFrame').contents()[0];

var LoadingImg = HomeDoc.all.namedItem('LoadingImg');


Use the style property to set the style in javascript. = "block";

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