Thursday 17 March 2016

javascript - How to split emails by no space , comma , semi-colon, and space using Regex?

I'm trying to split emails by no space, comma, semi-colon, and space using Regex. I have this string:

var emails = ";,"

and I'm trying to get all emails in putll them in an array using this Regex:

function extractEmails() {
return emails.match(/\w+@\;

but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas on how get all emails using Regex? Thank you in advance!


All you need to do is add the g modifier, to get all matches:

var emails = "\;,";

function extractEmails() {
return emails.match(/\w+@\;


(This will only work as long as none of the part before the @ contains .com, of course, and should there be a domain it would fail as well ...)

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